VRC Documentation

Setting the Scratchpad

VRC supports the use of the "scratchpad" feature on VATSIM. The scratchpad is a small chunk of arbitrary text that can be inserted into the aircraft's flight plan and data block by the controller. It is often used to communicate bits of information to adjacent controllers. For example, some facilities use the scratchpad to indicate which approach the pilot has requested, or which transition on the departure procedure the aircraft will be using.

To set the scratchpad for an aircraft, press the Insert key, type the new scratchpad value, then slew the target or press the ASEL key if the aircraft is already selected. The new scratchpad text will be displayed in the aircraft's datablock (if applicable) and updated in the Flight Plan Editor window or flight strip if you have either of those visible for the aircraft.

To clear the scratchpad for an aircraft, press the Insert key then slew the target or press your ASEL key if the aircraft is already selected.

The scratchpad can also be set via the Flight Plan Editor window. (See "Viewing & Editing Flight Plans" for details.)

Note that the scratchpad text is automatically propagated to other controllers.

Note that you can only assign the scratchpad text for aircraft that are not already being tracked by another controller.

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