VRC Documentation

Tracking Targets

When working a radar position such as Approach, Departure or Center (and sometimes Tower and even Ground), you will be "tracking" any aircraft under your control. VRC allows you to initiate and drop track on aircraft using special commands. Tracking aircraft is also a prerequisite for "handing off" an aircraft to an adjacent controller. The act of tracking an aircraft is also the means by which you accept a handoff from another controller. See "Handoffs" for details.

To initiate track on an aircraft, press the F3 key, followed by slewing the target. You can also press F3 and then your ASEL key if the aircraft is already selected. Once you have initiated track, the target symbol will change accordingly. See "The Various Radar Modes" for details on what tracked targets look like based on the current radar mode.

To drop track on a target, press the F4 key, followed by slewing the target. You can also press F4 and then you ASEL key if the aircraft is already selected. The target symbol will change accordingly.

Note that you can only track targets that are not already being tracked by another controller.

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